Indemnity & Permission Form (2025)

Child's Details


Parent / Guardian Details - Emergency Contact Details

Parent's / Guardian's name (#1)

Parent's / Guardian's name (#2)

Please give details of,

a) Any person(s) not permitted to contact or Collect your child while in our care

b) Any Court order related to such

Confidential Medical Information

The information below is requested to assist in case of any illness or accident, and will be held in confidence. This information may be passed on to medical care providers in the event of an emergency. This information will be securely destroyed once it is no longer required or is replaced.


I consent to my child(ren) becoming a member of the selected groups. I will encourage my child to attend and participate regularly and to cooperate with the leaders and other children. 

I authorise the leader in charge of the above mentioned group to arrange for my child to receive such first aid, medical or surgical treatment as the leader may deem necessary at any time during the activities. I further authorise the use of Ambulance and/or anesthetic by a qualified medical practitioner if in his/her judgment it is necessary. I accept responsibility for payment of all expenses associated with such treatment.

I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Baptist Union of Victoria, the Church and or any individual staff or voluntary leaders against all claims arising out of any injury to the child, and the relevant activity being undertaken unless such injury results from a failure in the duty of care of the Baptist Union of Victoria, the Church, or any individual staff or voluntary leader.

I understand there may be occurrences when it is necessary to transport children or to walk to nearby facilities.

give permission for my child to participate in activities outside of the normal meeting complex.

give permission for my child to be transported in private cars arranged by the leaders of the above named group.

give permission for my child to be photographed &/or recorded during the course of the activity for the purpose of creating promotional material for the Church and it's ministries.


Submission of this form will constitute your approval and acceptance of the above.

Church disclosure and collection statement.

In accordance with the Privacy Policy of the Baptist Union of Victoria and adopted by Wodonga District Baptist Church, any information captured in this form will be used only for the ministry of this church and activities related to this church. The information will not be released to any individual or organisation outside of the church. This information will be stored electronically.